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Meet Dena your Practitioner in Chinese Medicine

I have always been drawn to help people heal emotionally, so when I attended Reiki Level One training in 2012, I connected to this practice immediately!


I then joined doTerra with a wonderful group of people, who sparked my education in essential oils. In addition, I learned the Aroma Touch Technique, which blends beautifully with Reiki, as the oils also support us physically and emotionally.

In June 2022 I started training in Medical QiGong focusing more on healing the physical body through energy work.

I am in a constant search for self-evolution, always adding tools, and meeting fellow practitioners utilizing other modalities. I seek this for myself, as well as my clients.


I also love to teach. Therefore, Reiki Certification classes are available, as well as Essential Oil education, including specific techniques and practices I use in my daily life to benefit myself and others.


I work from a home office in Amherst N.Y. that is pet and child free.

520 Longmeadow RD. Amherst N.Y. 14226

Call today to book your appointment!

(716) 361-1235


Upcoming Events

What is energy work all about anyway?

Energy is produced and used by your body. Every living being has an energy field that expands beyond  the physical body. We have tools that can both measure and photograph this energy. Our thoughts and actions can alter this energy and with practice you can become more aware of your own as well as others energy and how it affects you in the daily.
Modalities like Reiki and Qi Gong are only a few; we like to call this original medicine because it is the most important part of ourselves to maintain health and happiness using Universal Life Force Energy. It is for everyone and anyone can give or receive it.
These modalities truly are life changing and you should not wait until you feel you need it or that you have exhausted all other options. These are meant to be preventative practices but can be used to get you out of the muck and onto the path of self empowerment!
Find yourself a practitioner you feel comfortable with and try a few sessions of any modality and I guarantee you will feel this empowerment. You will start to feel a stronger connection to yourself and the world around you as you move through life with more ease. Learning to communicate with your physical body and working through tough situations on your own but also knowing when to reach out for extra help instead of bottling things up and pushing through.
* If you are not allowing your energy to flow freely through your body this created charges or blocks which eventually progress to pathology*

Find a practitioner who will teach you things you can do on your own because what you do off of our table is just as important as getting on the table.
Clients come for treatments for many reasons:
Regular Maintenance / Check ins
Accident / Injury
Divorce / Custody
Litigation / Medical Testing and Diagnosis
Pre / Post Surgery
Pregnancy / Postpartum
New Move / New Marriage
School / Exams
Taking care of  Family / Others
The reasons are endless because we can not and should not do this thing called life ourselves and practitioners like myself want to see you truly succeed and be happy with the able to fully help yourselves and others.
So don't limit yourself! Get out there and try new things and I hope to see you on the table,


Traditional Reiki

Tap into your own Natural Healing

Every day we are faced with outside energies that can alter our own. Our thoughts, emotions and traumas, both emotional and physical, can stay with us, held in our physical body.   

  These sessions allow you to completely relax your body and mind, allowing for your own natural healing processes to occur and that you may recognize changes that need to be made. These sessions can also be used in conjunction with other conventional and alternative therapies, activating your natural healing processes, as well as restoring physical and emotional well-being.

Single Session $70

Monthly $60

Reiki for Infants

Newborn ~ 1 year $30


Medical QiGong

Strengthen your Meridians ~ Evolve your Body and Mind

Medical Qi Gong is Chinese Medicine in the form of energy work.

 A practitioner, using their cultivated Qi works with the meridians and acupoints to clear and charge the meridians and corresponding organs.  

These sessions are done on the table. A practitioner uses their cultivated Qi, Chi, energy to lead and clear the client's Qi along meridians in connection to the body's organs helping to re-energize and restore balance between the internal organs.

We will also work with channels and points that store energy overflow and emotional points.

These sessions and practice are meant to bring your body into optimal health and flow of Qi (CHI).  

Session may run 60-90 minutes.

Treatment $70

One on One Movement instruction $40



  11 Years as a Reiki Practitioner


The 8 Extraordinary

Healing Relationships through Time and Space

This is a series of 8 treatments designed through Chinese Medicine techniques.

Using specific crystals based on their physical and metaphysical properties in correspondence with our emotional needs as they relate to the acupoints, meridians and organs they are attached to.

These sessions address how the Soul interacts with itself, family, society and others, they are meant to bring about a clear, balanced state of how we are designed to function energetically and physically.

Our emotional stresses both known and unknown have a direct effect on our physical health which can happen slowly over time. Each organ hold the charge of certain emotions and once the meridians are overloaded move into the organs and other major energy reservoirs.

Tap into the deepest level of internal energy that relate to our evolutionary process: our ability to Survive and Adapt​



QiGong Movement Practice

QiGong Movement Practice

Keep an eye out for meetups to practice together.

One on one sessions are available in person or via zoom for $40

These will include:


~Ground and Purge


~The 8 Borcades ~ The Eight Brocades is currently the second most popular form of Qigong practiced around the world. Each of the Eight Brocade movements places an emphasis on healing certain areas related to the physical and energetic body. 


~National Qigong Association Form


~Organ Strengthening and Detox


~QiGong for Women


Tera hertz Frequency

Itera Care Wand

   This device is available for home use that emits terahertz (THz) frequency. When combined with hot air blown from the device penetrates the body, heating cells and bones. This frequency is created using a specialized crystal tube containing optical quartz, high purity DongHai silicon, and a carefully balanced combination of minerals.

   This Itera Care Wand helps the body maintain an ideal temperature of around 97.7 F or 36.5 C by using terahertz frequency which interacts well with the water molecules in the body promoting the body's natural healing ability to regulate. Maintaining temperature is crucial for processes like Metabolism, Enzyme activity, and Immune Responses.

I have been using this for 2 years and call it my pain eraser and have found the claims of regulating body temperature to be true.

  It can also be used to charge and structure water!  When you come for a session bring your own water in a glass container and I will charge it for free

Try an Itera care session today or add it to your next treatment.

                             30 Minutes $50

                       30 Minute add on $25


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Here are some other group ideas you might want to try

(Prices based on group size and location)

Mantra Chanting


One on one or in a group chanting has endless vibrational benefits and altered atates created by


All chakra chants, Mantra Chants and Kirtan

Yin Yoga

Grief Meditation

Using Mantra Chanting to ground and purge energy while grieving can be very helpful within this process, helping you move through the heavy times


Healing Circle or Oneness Blessing

In a healing circle we take turns giving and receiving healing vibrational energy while chanting.

The oneness blessing is a group Meditation while receiving universal life force energy to the frontal cortex; meant to shift brain function and support a sense of awareness, authenticity, bliss and interconnectivity 


Switching to Essential oils remove chemical products from your home and change the way you experience life!

Do Terra Essential Oils

Browse, Purchase or join our doTERRA family

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